About Us

Kim Scaife

Principal | Kim_Scaife@hcpss.org

Kristy Ritchie

Assistant Principal | kristy_ritchie@hcpss.org

School Overview

Our VISION is to be a world-class middle school, preparing our students for a global, 21st century society.

In a collaborative partnership with staff, students, home and community, Clarksville Middle School BELIEVES in:

  • Meeting the needs of all students, encouraging them to achieve their academic potential, and developing lifelong learners
  • Creating meaningful and memorable experiences for our students, in the classroom and beyond
  • Fostering a safe and positive school climate that promotes growth, respect and acceptance for all 
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) School Report Card reflects overall school performance using a combination of academic and school quality indicators.
Fast facts about Clarksville Middle School listing special programs, total enrollment, accomplishments and more.

Cluster 4 Board of Education Representative

Howard County public schools are divided into school clusters, which are assigned to individual Board members to facilitate school visitations, attend special events, and provide a point of contact for each school community. View all BOE school cluster assignments.

Clarksville Middle School BOE Representative: Jennifer Swickard Mallo